Surah 108 (Al-Kawthar) (Y6)

As-salaam wa-alaikum, brothers and sisters.


Today’s selection is Surah 108, Al-Kawthar or The Abundance. This Surah sums up in the single mystic word Kawthar the doctrine of spiritual riches through devotion and sacrifice. The converse also follows: indulgence in hatred means the cutting off of all hopes of this life and the Hereafter.

Tafseer for this Surah is a short meditation on sacrifice and thankfulness.

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Bis-millahi ar-rahman, ar-raheem.
In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful.

To thee have we granted the Fount (of Abundance).[1]

Therefore to they Lord turn in Prayer and Sacrifice.[2]

For he who hateth thee – He will be cut off (from Future Hope).[3]



On the idea of prayer and sacrifice.

He who grants these blessing is Allah, and to Allah alone must we turn in adoration and thanksgiving, and in sacrifice. [The Word] Nahr means sacrifice; in a restricted ritual sense, the sacrifice of camels (22:36). But the ritual is a mere symbol. Behind it is a deep spiritual meaning; the meat slaughtered feeds the poor, and the slaughter is a symbol of the self-sacrifice in our hearts. As noted in 22:37 – “It is not their meat nor their blood, that reaches Allah; it is your piety that reaches Him.”

This concludes today’s episode of the 17 Verses Podcast. I hope that this selection has helped increase your understanding of the holy Qur’an just a little bit.

Thank you and be well.