Surah 22 (Al-Hajj), Verses 26-38 (Y6)

As-salaam wa-alaikum, brothers and sisters.


Today’s selection is from Surah 22, Al-Hajj or the Pilgrimmage, verses 26-38. These verses talk of how Prophet Ibrâhim (or Abraham) built the Kabah and called all to come for pilgrimmage. The verses also speak of the good of sacrificing animals in Allah’s name and how only your piety, not the blood of the animals, reaches God.

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Bis-millahi ar-rahman, ar-raheem.
In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful.

Remember! We identified the site of the Sacred House to Abraham, saying, “Worship none besides Me, sanctify My House for those worshipers who walk counterclockwise around it, stand in prayer, bow, and prostrate themselves;[26] and O Abraham make a proclamation of Hajj (Pilgrimage) to mankind: they will come to you on foot, lean on camels from every distant quarter,[27] so that they may witness the benefits which are made available here for them, and pronounce the name of Allah over the cattle which We have provided as food for them, on the appointed days: eat then of their meat yourselves and feed the indigent having a very hard time.[28] Then they should accomplish their needful acts of shaving or cutting their hair and taking a bath, fulfill their vows and go for Tawâf (walking counterclockwise) of the Ancient House.[29] This was the object for which the Ka’bah was built, and whoever honors the sacred rites of Allah, it is good for him in the sight of his Lord. The meat of cattle is lawful to you, except what has already been mentioned to you; therefore, shun the abomination of idols and shun all false statements.[30] 22:[26-30]

Dedicate yourselves to Allah and do not commit falsehood with Him: for anyone who commits falsehood, it is as though he had fallen from the sky; snatched away by birds or carried away by the wind to some far-off place;[31] so it is; and he who honors the rites of Allah, surely, shows the piety of his heart.[32] You may benefit from the cattle dedicated for sacrifice, until the time of their slaughter, then their place of sacrifice is near the Ancient House.[33] 22:[31-33]

For every nation We prescribed a way of sacrifice so that they may pronounce the name of Allah over the cattle which He has given them for food, but the object is one and the same: to remember that your god is only One God; so submit yourselves to Him as Muslims, and O Prophet, give good news to the humble,[34] whose hearts tremble at the mention of Allah; who endure adversity with patience, who establish Salah (prayers) and spend in charity out of what we have provided for them.[35] We have made the sacrifice of camels and cows among the rites of Allah, for there is much good for you in them. Therefore, pronounce the name of Allah over them while standing, and when they fall down on their sides after slaughter, when their movement completely stops, then eat of their meat, feed the contented (poor who do not ask) and the beggars (poor who ask). Thus We have subjected them to you so that you may be grateful.[36] It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah; it is your piety that reaches Him. Thus, He has subjected these animals to you so that you may glorify Allah for giving you guidance, and O Prophet, give good news to the doers of good.[37] Surely, Allah wards off evil from those who are true believers: for certainly Allah does not love anyone who is treacherous, ungrateful.[38] 22:[34-38]


This concludes today’s episode of the 17 Verses Podcast. I hope that this selection has helped increase your understanding of the holy Qur’an just a little bit.

Thank you and be well.