Surah 87 (Al-A‘lã) (Y6)

As-salaam wa-alaikum, brothers and sisters.


Today’s selection is the entirety of Surah 87, Al-A‘lã or the Most High, verses 1-19. The argument of this Surah is that God has made man capable of progress by ordered steps, and by His Revelation will lead him still higher to purification and perfection.

Tafseer for this selection concerns the path of Islam mentioned in verse 8 and admonitions to be given in verse 9.

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Bis-millahi ar-rahman, ar-raheem.
In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful.

Glorify the name of your Lord, the Most High,[1] Who has created all things and perfected them.[2] Who has set their destinies and guided them.[3] Who brings forth green pasture,[4] then reduces it to black rubbish.[5] Soon We shall make you recite Our revelations so you shall forget none of them[6] except what Allah wills. Surely He knows what is open and what is hidden.[7] And we will make it easy for you (to follow) the simple (Path).[8] Therefore give admonition in case the admonition profits (the hearer).[9] He who fears Allah will heed the reminder,[10] and he who is unfortunate will avoid it.[11] The one who will avoid, shall burn in the gigantic fire,[12] where he shall neither die nor live.[13] The one who will take admonition and purify himself shall be successful,[14] who remembers the name of his Lord and prays.[15] But O men! You prefer the life of this world;[16] while the Hereafter is better and everlasting.[17] Surely the same was said in the earlier scriptures;[18] the scriptures of Ibrãhïm (Abraham) and Musa (Moses).[19] 87:[1-19]



Concerning the path of Islam in verse 8:

The path of Islam is simple and easy. It depends on no abstruse mysteries or self-mortifications, but on straight and manly conduct in accordance with the laws of man’s nature as implanted in him by Allah. On the other hand, spiritual perfection may be most difficult, for it involves complete surrender on our part to Allah in all our affairs, thoughts, and desires: but after that surrender, Allah’s Grace will make our path easy.

Concerning the admonitions to be given in verse 9:

This is not so strong as the Biblical phrase, “Cast not pearls before swine” (Matthew, vii. 6). The cases where admonition does produce spiritual profit and where it does not, are mentioned in verse 10 and 11-13, respectively. Allah’s message should be proclaimed to all; but particular and personal admonitions are also due to those who attend and in whose hearts is the fear of Allah; in the case of those who run away from it and dishonour it, such particular and personal admonition is useless. They are unfortunate ones who prepare their own ruin.

This concludes today’s episode of the 17 Verses Podcast. I hope that this selection has helped increase your understanding of the holy Qur’an just a little bit.

Thank you and be well.