Surah 100 (Al-‘Ãdiyãt) (Y6)

As-salaam wa-alaikum, brothers and sisters.


Today’s selection is the entirety of Surah 100, Al-‘Ãdiyãt or Those that Run. This Surah talks about the irresistible nature of spiritual power and knowledge, contrasted with man’s ingratitude, pettiness, helplessness and ignorance.

Tafseer for this selection concerns the metaphors and symbols enforcing this Surah in verses 1-5.

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Bis-millahi ar-rahman, ar-raheem.
In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful.

By the (Steeds) running with panting (breath),[1] dashing off sparks by the strike of their hoofs,[2] making raids in the morning,[3] and leaving a trail of dust[4] as they dash into the middle of the enemy troops![5] 100:[1-5]

Surely man is ungrateful to his Lord;[6] and surely he himself bears witness to it,[7] and surely he is violent in his love of this worldly wealth.[8] Is he not aware that when those who lie in the graves will be raised to life,[9] and that what is in their breasts will be made known,[10] surely their Lordon that Day shall have full knowledge about them.[11] 100:[6-11]


On the metaphors and symbols in verses 1-5:

These symbols have at least three layers of mystic meaning:

(1) Look at the mares or swift camels panting for war on behalf of their masters. Off they go, striking fire with their hoofs by night at the behest of their riders; they push home the charge in the morning, chivalrously giving the enemy the benefit of daylight; and regardless of flashing steel or the weapons of their enemies, the boldly penetrate into the midst of their foe, risking their lives for the Cause. Does unregenerate man show that fidelity to his Lord? On the contrary he is ungrateful to Allah; he shows that by his deeds; he is violently in love with wealth and gain and things that perish.

(2) By the figure of metonymy, the brave fidelity of the war horse may stand for that of the brave and true men who rally to the standard of Allah and carry it to victory, contrasted wit the poltroonery and pettiness of unregenerate man.

(3) The whole conflict, fighting and victory, may be applied to spiritual warfare against those who are caught and overwhelmed by the camp of Evil.

This concludes today’s episode of the 17 Verses Podcast. I hope that this selection has helped increase your understanding of the holy Qur’an just a little bit.

Thank you and be well.