Surah 21 (Al-Anbiyã’), Verses 51-75 (Y6)

As-salaam wa-alaikum, brothers and sisters.


Today’s selection is from Surah 21, Al-Anbiyã’ or the Prophets, verses 51-75. These verses tell the story of how Prophet Abraham questioned the idol-worshiping of his father and his people. Abraham broke all their idols to show them that their so-called gods couldn’t defend themselves and would be of no help to the people. Abraham’s people decided to burn him alive but God made the fire feel cool and comfortable to him. God then blessed Prophet Abraham with Isaac and Jacob, both of whom became Prophets.

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Surah 53 (An-Najm), Verses 33-62 (Y6)

As-salaam wa-alaikum, brothers and sisters.


Today’s selection concludes Surah 53, An-Najm or the Star, verses 33-62. These verses reinforce the point that no soul will bear the burdens of another and there will be nothing left for a person except that for which he strove.

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Surah 51 (Adh-Dhariyat), Verses 24-46 (Y6)

Surah 51 (Adh-Dhariyat), Verses 24-46 (Y6)

As-salaam wa-alaikum, brothers and sisters.


Today’s selection is from Surah 51, Adh-Dhariyat or The Winds That Scatter Dust, verses 24-46. These verses tell the story of Prophet Ibrâhim and the punishment of the people of Lût as well as lessons in the stories of Pharaoh, the people of ‘Ad and the Thamûd and the people of Noah.

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Surah 4 (An-Nisâ), Verses 43-59 (Y6)

As-salaam wa-alaikum, brothers and sisters.


Today’s episode of 17 Verses is from Surah 4, An-Nisâ or the Women, Verses 43-59. These verses start off with the second recorded prohibition against drinking alcohol, then move to a discussion of the People of the Book (Jews, Christians). It invites the People of the Book to Islam, while reminding them that those who make false idols will not be forgiven. Lastly, it talks about the forces of Shaitan and his allies and the fates of the unbelievers and believers.

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Surah 22 (Al-Hajj), Verses 26-38 (Y6)

As-salaam wa-alaikum, brothers and sisters.


Today’s selection is from Surah 22, Al-Hajj or the Pilgrimmage, verses 26-38. These verses talk of how Prophet Ibrâhim (or Abraham) built the Kabah and called all to come for pilgrimmage. The verses also speak of the good of sacrificing animals in Allah’s name and how only your piety, not the blood of the animals, reaches God.

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