Surah 21 (Al-Anbiyã’), Verses 76-93 (Y6)

As-salaam wa-alaikum, brothers and sisters.


Today’s selection is from Surah 21, Al-Anbiyã’ or the Prophets, verses 76-93. These verses discuss the blessings and favors bestowed upon the Prophets Noah, David, Solomon, Job, Ishmael, Jonah and others by God.

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Surah 19 (Maryam), Verses 41-65 (Y6)

As-salaam wa-alaikum, brothers and sisters.


Today’s 17 Verses episode is from Surah 19, Maryam or Mary, verses 41-65. These verses recount the stories of Prophets Abraham, Moses, Ishmael and Idrees and then discusses how all the Prophets of God were divinely chosen and guided by Allah.

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