Surah 32 (As-Sajdah), Verses 15-30 (Y6)


Today’s selection concludes Surah 32, As-Sajdah or the Prostration, with verses 15-30. These verses detail the special reward given to those who spend of themselves out of love and fear for theird Lord. Lastly, it links the Qur’an to the Torah, the book given to Prophet Moses.

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Surah 32 (As-Sajdah), Verses 1-14 (Y6)

As-salaam wa-alaikum, brothers and sisters.


Today’s 17 Verses episode is from Surah 32, As-Sajdah or the Prostration, verses 1-14. These verses deal with the Qur’an as revelation to those whom no Prophet has come before. It talks of the creation the heavens and earth and the creation of Man. Furthermore, on the Day of Judgment, it written that the Unbelievers will at last believe and try to repent but that so-called newfound belief will be of no use to them.

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