Surahs 109-111 (Al-Kãfirün, Al-Nasr, Al-Lahab) (Y6)

As-salaam wa-alaikum, brothers and sisters.


Today’s selection consists of three short Surahs. The first is Surah 109, Al-Kãfirün or Those Who Reject Faith. This Surah defines the right attitude towards those who reject faith; in matters of Truth, we make no compromise but there is no need to persecute or abuse anyone for his faith or belief. Tafseer for this selection concerns the matter of personal conviction in Faith.

The second is Surah 110, Al-Nasr or the Help. This Surah defines victory as an occasion to celebrate Allah’s praises, not as a reason for exultation.

The third is Surah 111, which goes by two names; either Al-Masad which means The Plaited Rope or Al-Lahab which the Flame. While directed at a particular person named Abu Lahab, the Surah illustrates that he who rages against holy things is burnt up in his own rage and that women, who are made for nobler emotions, may, if they go wrong, feed unholy rage with fiercer fuel, to their own loss. Tafseer for this Surah contains some historical background on Abu Lahab and his wife.

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